Questions and Answers

Maybe before you decide whether to take a makeup course, you ask yourself a number of questions. Over the years, my students have asked me important questions that concern them about the nature of our profession. I will try to answer you the more important ones.

  1. Do I have to study fine arts to do makeup?

– No, this is not necessary at all. If you have studied drawing, it might help you with makeup, but it is not at all decisive. Make-up is another type of art and requires slightly different qualities and skills.

  1. Do I need to be able to paint well to become a makeup artist?

    – This skill would definitely help, but it is not necessary. You have to have precision, but you don’t have to be an artist. High skills in fine arts are required when dealing with face and body art and certain areas of cinema makeup. It’s not necessary for makeup makeup.


  1. Do I have to have makeup experience to take a makeup course?

    – No, it is by no means obligatory. Makeup courses are just for the purpose of getting a professional training. I work specifically on my authoring methodology, which I have refined and developed for over 10 years. Most of the people who already have some makeup, have not stepped on a solid foundation and do not have basic knowledge, so as experienced and talented, we start from the beginning to learn the basic theoretical and practical formulations in makeup.


  1. Do I have to watch makeup videos (video tutorials) and are they enough to teach me to makeup?

    – Yes, I think it’s good and useful to watch makeup videos. In these you can enrich your knowledge of makeup techniques, get informed about products and trends in makeup. However, keep in mind that there is a huge difference between blogging and actual makeup practice. Vloggers basically make up themselves. The makeup they show is often too extravagant and not wearable. The main purpose there is the presentation of products and brands that are actually sponsors of the videos, as well as demonstrating sophisticated techniques. In professional makeup we work with a wide range of real people (clients) who have their anatomical, age and color characteristics, their tastes and psychological characteristics. In order to be prepared to work on a professional level with clients, it is highly recommended that we take a professional makeup course.


  1. Are there age limits for studying makeup?

    – I think it is appropriate to study makeup after the age of 14. As a jury of many beauty pageants, I am familiar with the world’s requirements. According to them, it is not appropriate and ethical to make professional makeup for children (referring to minors under 14). Above this limit there is no problem for people to make up, to make up, and after 16 to practice the professional makeup profession.


  1. Can I combine makeup with my other profession?

    – Yes. Very often you may have education in a completely different field. You could practice makeup as your hobby, as a beauty blogger, or work as a freelancer on an hourly basis. This is also a great activity for women raising their children, for students and people working part-time. Makeup is also an excellent upgrade for hairdressers, manicurists and other beauty professionals who make a full range of services and expand their professional makeup portfolio.


  1. Is makeup a reserved area for ladies only?

    – Absolutely not. Some of the most successful makeup artists in the world are men. I myself have had quite a few male students and I can confirm that they are extremely talented and dedicated people.


  1. Is there an upper age limit for makeup learners?

– No. There is no age limit for the ambitious and purposeful person. I can cite from my practice the cases of people who have practiced boring and unsatisfactory professions all their lives and decided to make a turn and restart their lives again. As well as women who have devoted much of their lives to raising their children and caring for their family. At some point, they decide that they want to do something for themselves and become professional. I also have people in retirement who just now have the time and opportunity to realize their dream of dedicating themselves to their favorite art. It is never too late to start a new beginning and make your dreams come true!